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Unlock Your Creative Block

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Dear Creative

Are you a passionate artist, writer, designer, musician, composer, actor, or any creative professional desiring to express your artistic vision but often find yourself facing the dreaded creative block? You know it’s in you, you are passionate to release the gift in you… but when you sit down to work on it… crickets! 

Dr Shannan Crawford

Don’t worry; you are not alone.

Creative blocks are a common challenge that many artists face, hindering their ability to bring their best work to life. If you have tried willpower to overcome procrastination, self-doubt, perfectionism, the inner-critic, comparison, self-sabotage etc., then there are likely unconscious blocks working against you. The Restoring-Self-Cohesion approach may have the keys you’ve been looking for to help you unlock your creative gift!

As a clinical psychologist with over 20 years studying psychology and 15 years working with creatives, I want you to know: 

Creative blocks are NOT due to a lack of willpower or faith.

Dr Shannan Crawford
Dr Shannan Crawford
We all have unconscious blocks, but what if I told you that there’s a groundbreaking solution to overcome these mental barriers and unleash your full creative potential? This is not a gimmick promising that you’ll never struggle with second-guessing yourself or procrastinating ever again. Some things are only developed through maturing in the self-discipline to put in the consistent effort to be excellent. This is a course for those who are serious about their craft and willing to invest in themselves to ensure their creative expression has the greatest impact!