Empowered Living: Finding the Perfect Therapist to Strengthen Your Confidence in Texas

by | Mar 27, 2023 | Therapy

Learning how to be confident in your own skin is not an easy task.

Many of us go from one extreme to another. We either think too highly of ourselves, venturing into pride and the burden of self-sufficiency, or we dwell so much on what we perceive we lack that we become inactive and ineffective.

Pride is when we step in as the judge to decide how worthy or not worthy we are instead of allowing God to affirm us in our identities so that we know how to value ourselves the way He values us. Did you know that low-self-esteem is just as much rooted in pride as arrogance is? In both extremes, we are stepping in as our own judge, instead of Father God, to determine our worth.

Learning how to steward healthy confidence that is neither prideful nor self-defeating is matured through learning how to steward the Truth of what God says about you.

It is one thing to confess with your mouth who God says you are.

It is far more challenging to believe in your heart and live your life according to who God says you are.

We are far more complex than we could ever imagine! Without the Spirit inside of us, our thinking about ourselves cannot fathom the splendor of what it actually means to be made in the image of God.

As an illustration, I was exacerbated by my glitching Mac computer, which was rendered unusable as it had a chronic case of the spinning wheel syndrome! I finally broke down and called Apple support. He walked me through the customary software updates. Everything was updated at the software level, the cache cleared, the passwords synching, etc.

Befuddled, he got a manager and then returned to the line. With shock in his voice, he shared, “Uh, m’am, your hard drive is from 2008. Your hard drive is so outdated that it is not compatible with the software updates. Unless you get a hard drive upgrade, your system will not be able to process all the new updates…”

I laughed as it dawned on me to notice how the hard drive and software updates of my computer, much like a modern day parable, illustrate the beautiful mystery of our internal world.

A brilliant aspect of our internal operating system is that we have fundamentally different operating systems- the conscious and subconscious mind.

Think of your subconscious mind as the hard drive processor that creates the filter THROUGH WHICH we perceive and make sense of the world, events, and people today. Additionally, the conscious mind holds and receives the information we process.

We have the subconscious mind hard-wired into our neurobiology that serves as the core processing center through which everything we will ever think/do/feel/experience will be filtered. Ten eyewitnesses can see the same event and yet will see, experience, describe, and make meaning of the exact same event in completely different ways. This is because our physical brain cannot take in objective reality.

Rather, all data comes in through the brain’s Thalamus and other routing centers that send the sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings to regions of the brain to create meaning based on the framework of the individual’s unique filters. Each person’s version of reality is COMPLETELY unique as it is a compilation of existing filters and beliefs forged as pathways within their hard drive – etched (outside of our awareness) by our life experiences.

Often, we only find out our core beliefs as life experiences reveal our “knee jerk” reactions, thoughts, and beliefs that even surprise us. HOW you make meaning of an event is far more important to explore than merely adjusting WHAT you think.

For instance, one person not getting hired for a job will feel defeated, discouraged and want to give up trying because they have a well rehearsed schema/mental framework of low-self-esteem derived from early life experiences of perceiving themselves as less-than, ineffective, defective etc. Meanwhile, another candidate not getting the same job, with higher self-esteem derived from prior experiences of successful resilience, may email the company, asking for feedback as well as if there is anything they can do to serve or get a foot in the door another way.

We renew our mind, much like updating the software of your computer. It is easy to update software because both your computer and your brain are programmed to be highly malleable. We have a conscious mind that is constantly taking in and processing new thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. (We also have an unconscious mind, but that is for another conversation). The conscious mind is highly adaptable and we can change our mind about something or something easily.

Cognitively, our brain loves to hold opposites in separate boxes. Throughout Scripture, we are challenged to see how opposites are somehow held together. God is not all judgment, nor is He all mercy. Judgment and mercy kiss over the tabernacle, demonstrating that somehow the balance of the two extremes create the balance of His nature. Throughout Scripture, we see a theme and expect God to react the same way next time. And yet, quite frustratingly to our human understanding, He rarely responds as we would expect.

In this tension, you learn to step into your God-given authority in a partnership of co-laboring with Christ.

Out of the fear of pride and arrogance, many of us, me included, have lived small lives. We have been like the servant who buries our talents instead of boldly investing our talents to rule and reign as ambassadors to the kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30).

Your Heavenly Father made you in His image. He created you for a purpose. He placed within you fantastic unique gifts for you to thrive in your calling. To agree with anything less is pride as you are diminishing the gift of who God has said you are.

I lived the majority of my life thinking I was “being humble” as I was actually self-deprecating. I would wait for God to do everything and took on a passive rather than active stance in life, thinking it was holy to only wait. There are absolutely times to wait upon the Lord, but there are also times to walk forward with the cloud and fire that lead you further toward your promised land.

Empowerment is one of your greatest assets when making the best of yourself. From self-confidence to inner happiness and fulfillment – all these elements depend on how comfortable you feel in your own skin.

But if something inside you doesn’t seem quite right, or if life gets too overwhelming, finding a therapist that understands your needs and can help you through life’s toughest moments is a surefire way to regain your inner strength. This is where Crawford Clinics comes in.

This blog post will explore different methods for ensuring you find the perfect fit for boosting your self-esteem.


Empowerment Starts Within

A schema (otherwise known as “core beliefs”) is a mental framework or large neuronetwork the brain uses to organize concepts. A schema is a grounding thought upon which all remotely similar concepts are subsequently attached. Think of a large piece of paper (the original thought) and then a thousand post-it notes stuck to that paper.

For efficiency, the brain is always trying to lump similar things together. For everything dissimilar, the brain then creates a new neuronetwork.

Our earliest experiences created our original neural networks. Then, every experience and thought we learn throughout our lives, are attached to our original schemas.

Embarking to improve self-esteem is an essential step in personal growth and happiness. At Crawford Clinics, our therapy helps to boost your self-esteem by helping unlock core beliefs!

Proper support can help you to find your inner strength, identify the triggers that prevent your self-esteem from growing, and offer solutions on how to move forward.

With a compassionate and knowledgeable guide by your side, the path to owning your identity as beloved becomes more apparent and attainable.

Let’s explore how we can help you take control of your life and find the right therapist to empower yourself:

The Importance of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is an integral aspect of your overall well-being. It impacts your mental health, relationships, and decision-making abilities. Low self-esteem can lead to feelings of insecurity, anxiety, depression, and even self-destructive behaviors.

We understand that implementing change can be challenging and complex. Still, with the support of a skilled therapist, your journey toward self-improvement is within reach.

Qualities of our Therapists

Certain qualities should be prioritized when searching for a therapist to help boost your self-esteem. These characteristics are essential to foster trust, promote communication, and ultimately guide you in achieving your goals.

Dr. Shannan Crawford and her team of highly-vetted therapists embody the following qualities:


As a team of skilled therapists in DFW, Dr. Crawford and her team show great empathy in their practice. She and the team grasp your circumstances and work to provide guidance that suits your personal needs.


Dr. Shannan Crawford is a licensed clinical psychologist, conference speaker, adjunct professor, podcast host, and innovator-expert in Restoring Self-Cohesion (RSC). Her team is also trained in RSC and either holds masters degrees and therapeutic licenses, or are completing their graduate studies in therapy.

She and her team are highly skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced in helping individuals facing self-esteem issues. As a lifelong learner, Dr. Crawford regularly attends in-depth professional training sessions to stay up-to-date with the latest therapies and interventions. Additionally, She is an adjunct professor at The King’s University in Texas, serving on philanthropic boards, and leading groups on faith, community, and service.


Get Started Today on Therapy that Will Help Boost Your Self-Esteem!

At Crawford Clinics, we are committed to helping you discover your inner strength and harness the power of self-esteem. With an unwavering dedication to your well-being, you can trust that our therapists will provide the support needed to guide you on your path to personal growth.

Learn to become a leader in the DFW with Dr. Shannan Crawford! Dr. Crawford and her team offer personalized therapy in Texas that will help you enhance your self-esteem and provide the tools to face life’s challenges.

Check out our website for the following resources:

Contact us today to take the first step toward a faith-based therapy session!