Coaching for Healthy Relationships and Improved Mental Health

Keys for a healthy soul

Join the millions who have been helped by Dr. Shannan Crawford

“Good and Sound Counsel”

I’m so glad that I have found Dr. Shannan Crawford Such quality and good and sound counsel. If you’ve had a hard time finding access to good counseling, this is the next best thing.

“Enhance Your Relationships”

Dr. Shannan Crawford promotes personal growth and skills to live your best life – being the best version of yourself. It helps enhance your relationships and move through life with confidence to make wise decisions.

“Incredible Resource”

This is an incredible resource. As a Registered Provisional Psychologist, and mother of two … the content at Dr. Shannan Crawford has deeply enriched both my professional and parenting life.

“Most comprehensive”

When you’re really ready and serious about growing as a person with varying emotional issues or in your relationships, your personal career goals, this is the most comprehensive material available in an easy to use format, at your own pace. Thank you Dr. Shannan Crawford and all the staff!!! So grateful!

“Beacon of hope”

In the journey of this life, we experience trauma. Dr. Shannan Crawford shares his wisdom and guides us so that we can let go of what binds and holds us back. In a world filled with so many “help cliches,” his insight is a beacon of hope for anyone who wants to heal and truly live life free of the trauma.

“At peace in life”

I think I would still be having unexplained psychological issues. I have learned to take responsibility for my feelings, and now understand my boundaries and how to be at peace in life especially with things that are in my control. My life has really changed.

A dose of inspiration,
whenever you need it.

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Start Your Plan to Get Unlocked!

Proven strategies to invest in every area of life

Overall wellness: Thrive emotionally, relationally, spiritually, and fulfill your life purpose ?

– Subscribe to the podcast Unlock U with Dr. Shannan Crawford

Podcast cover | Dr Shannan Crawford
At the psychologist | Dr Shannan Crawford

Is your anxiety taking over?

Do you feel stuck in a rut and can’t get out?

Do you dread waking up in the morning? Struggling to feel like yourself?

Call/text  817-601-5540 or email to work with a Certified Restoring-Self-Cohesion therapists who will tailor therapy to YOU!

Are you influencing others?

Do you desire to optimize your influence and the synergy of your team?

If you’re a leader wanting to maximize your effort, efficiency, and profitability?

I work with executives, influencers, and leaders of all types to coach leaders in removing internal and external blocks so as to thrive in leadership. – call/text 817-601-5540 or email

Office workers team discussing company affairs | Dr Shannan Crawford
DR. Shannan

RELATIONSHIPS ARE IMPORTANT! Whether looking for premarital counseling, resolving relationship issues/conflicts, or navigating a messy patch in your family relationships, our certified Restoring-Self-Cohesion therapists are her to give you the strategies and tools to invest in your most meaningful relationships!

call/text 817-601-5540 or email for Couples and Family Therapy

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Dr Shannan Crawford

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Dr Shannan Crawford

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Join the private online group where you’ll be surrounded by a community of peers who will understand, relate and empathize with you. Participate in discussions, talk about what you’ve learned from Dr. Shannan Crawford, receive feedback and gain the confidence to apply boundaries to all areas of your life!

Dr Shannan Crawford

Pick Your Path

Select your path or let us help you decide! Dr. Shannan Crawford will speak wisdom into each lesson and give you actionable steps that will aid in your journey. You can work at a pace that’s comfortable for you.

Protect Yourself from Toxic People

Dr. Shannan Crawford addresses the toxic traits of unsafe people, and you’ll be equipped with a strong sense of how to set and uphold boundaries with toxic people and behaviors. Learn how to stand up to the people who project guilt, shame and anger by learning the right things to say, the best consequences to use and the healthy people to allow into your life.

Other lessons include: Facing Controlling Relationships, Entitlement, Emotional Abuse, Codependency, How to Avoid Drama, Hope, Necessary Endings, Revenge, and Forgiveness.

Dr Shannan Crawford

Personal Growth

Dr. Shannan Crawford shows you how to acquire the boundaries-based skills you need to become the kind of person who reaches their goals. You’ll be guided through the common, avoidable roadblocks that knock you off course. Learn tips for anxiety, overcoming fear and get out of the negative thinking patterns that hold you back from pursuing the desires of your heart.

Other lessons include: Boundaries with Yourself, How to Say No, Creating a Vision, The Growth Mindset, Accountability, Resilience, Processing Pain, Grief, How to Deal with Anger, Owning Your Time and Energy, Strengths and Weaknesses, Getting Unstuck and How to Ask for Help

Dr Shannan Crawford

Grow in Your Relationships

Dr. Shannan Crawford provdes you with the skills, behaviors and mindsets that will help you build your relationships into life-giving and life-sustaining sources. Learn about the patterns that are present in all relationships that thrive and set goals to work towards them.

Other lessons include: How to Create a Vision for Your Relationship, How to Set Boundaries in Your Relationships, How to Be a Better Listener and How to Grow in Your Marriage

Dr Shannan Crawford