It’s common for individuals to lean on the opinions of loved ones or their gut feeling when figuring out their career path. However, not seeking professional guidance can lead to pursuing a job that doesn’t align with your strengths and interests. Whether...
Properly structured counseling sessions led by a professional can significantly improve the well-being of individuals grappling with emotions such as anger, grief, or guilt. Not only does it positively impact mental health, but it can also benefit physical health. Dr....
Are you tired of the repetitive arguments with your significant other? Are frustration, resentment, or distance becoming all too familiar? Are you stuck in a rut and unsure of how to progress? While no relationship is flawless, couples counseling can provide you and...
Sometimes, despite knowing better about a situation, you cannot help but feel anxious, which is hard to overcome. The best approach to deal with this uncertainty that comes with anxiety is to seek help. You can do it by different practices, such as the psychodynamic...
In the previous Podcast, we talked about Uprooting anxiety, especially catastrophizing. In this Unlock U Podcast, Dr. Shannan Crawford deeply analyzes anxiety and deals with resolving insecurity, panic, ruminating, depression, and improving relationship dynamics. Most...
Understanding Catastrophizing Every human has a different story, different life experiences, and different go-to coping mechanisms that we use to help us feel better. When flooded, some of us zone out in front of social media/tv, some of us comfort eat, and some of us...
Your internal world is far more complex and beautifully designed than you can ever imagine! Stop using willpower and striving to overcome creative blocks. Gain the keys to unlock your creative brilliance with the FREE mini e-course to help you start identifying potential unconscious dynamics impacting your ability to create.